Question from community member: I have an 11 year old, male, English Short-Haired Pointer mix who suddenly presented with the following symptoms a few days ago: Won't eat usual amount or anything at certain meals, drinking a lot more water than usual and urinating more because of it; tremors, shaking, trembling; muscle fatigue/weakness; has had loose stool; generally unmotivated, lethargic, which is not typical of his personality. My conventional vet has diagnosed this as Addison's Disease. What do you suggest may be the cause... and what can be done about it, naturally? - S.C.
This dog's owner can learn much by visiting these sites. Editor's Note: Some of the images seen on the websites below may be disturbing to some viewers.
"Homeopathic veterinarians and other holistic practitioners have maintained for some time that vaccinations do more harm than they provide benefits. Vaccinations represent a major assault on the body's immune system.... Vaccine induced chronic diseases range from life-threatening conditions such as auto-immune crises to conditions destroying the quality of life of an animal as in chronic skin allergies." - Charles E. Loops, DVM
We wholeheartedly concur! And we hope this dog gets a chance to become all that he can be with proper nutritional support through a species appropriate raw diet and eliminating the toxins of processed food and any other toxins such as vaccines, pesticide pest control and whatever else that allopathic medicine overloads our pets' immune systems with. The naturopathic approach that include fresh air, sunshine, pure water and a species appropriate RAW diet can help animals AND humans alike heal. If we honor the eight laws of health, then we and our animals can and will be well.
Dr. Kim Bloomer's website is And Dr. Jeannie Thomason's website is
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