Toxic substances in the food and environment can deplete the jing. This includes Genetically Modified (GM) foods and pesticides that have been linked with lowered libido, diminished sperm count, abnormal and dead sperm, increased sterility, miscarriage, reduced egg production, and birth defects. There are GM seeds on the market called “Terminator Seeds” that are sterile. Yikes! Foods with no reproductive capacity have a similar energetic effect inside the body. Organically grown and Certified Naturally Grown food prohibits the use of GM seeds. Other factors that can exhaust the kidneys, weaken the sex drive, and diminish jing include excessive use of stimulants, coffee (caffeine), alcohol, drugs, stress, fear, overwork, cold foods (cold breakfast cereal with cold milk, too many raw salads, iced foods and drinks) and excess sugar and refined carbohydrates.
Traditional foods that can enhance acquired jing and increase vitality include fish, beans/legumes, liver and kidney (organ meats), bone marrow, and cereal grasses (whole grains). When the physical body grows excited blood rushes to the sex organs. If there is a “blood deficiency” the desire for sex may be strong, but the body may be weak and unable to perform. Essential to strengthening and building blood are red meats, bone marrow, liver, fish and seafood, chicken and eggs.
On the other hand, if the blood is stagnant or congested (thick and waxy from too much fat and animal products), there may also be corresponding trouble with the sex organs. Sludgy blood makes for sluggish sex drive. Essential to purifying, tonifying and moving the blood are vegetables like garlic, onions, leeks, dark leafy greens (spinach, kale, collard greens, dandelion leaf), burdock root, beets, and sea vegetables. We have to be able to find the right balance between foods from the vegetable and animal kingdoms to enhance fertility and sexual vitality.
George Ohsawa (a pioneer in Macrobiotics) said, “A good appetite for food and sex is health itself. Sexual appetite and joyful satisfaction are an essential condition of happiness.” C’mon... it’s time to get into the kitchen and get your groove on! For delicious libido enhancing recipes, click here.
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