So, think about it... As a woman, have you been feeling less receptive to sex? Have you noticed feeling less sensual, or that your sex drive has diminished? If so, you’re not alone. This is a major complaint of many women experiencing Hormone Imbalance, which directly affects your libido.
It’s common knowledge that Testosterone plays a significant role in both men and women when it comes to a healthy libido. But one of the more common deficiencies in women is Estrogen, which plays as much a role in a woman’s sex life as Testosterone.
In my practice, I have seen women with optimal levels of both hormones who still suffer with a low sex drive. Hormones are much more complicated than just pinpointing one symptom to one hormone.
If you suspect low libido is affecting your quality of life, you do have a way to find out if your hormones are out of balance. In my practice, I offer a very simple and extremely accurate saliva test which, when analyzed by the lab, produces a clear picture of what’s going on inside your body. If a problem is identified, I then work with my clients on an individual basis to balance their system, not with drugs, but naturally. Sometimes adjustments are as simple as slight changes in diet. Other times, it’s a little more involved. Either way, the end result can be life changing.
Many separations and divorces happen when women reach mid-40’s to mid-50’s. I often wonder how many of these troubled relationships could have been prevented if women had their hormones checked. If what I described sounds familiar, please know that I’m here to help!
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