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by Acharya Sri Khadi Madama, RYT, of
In Yoga, seekers of enlightenment practice the art of listening very deeply to the inner sounds that vibrate along the Nadis, or subtle nerve channels. It is said that these sounds are generated from the energy chambers deep in the subtle anatomy. Imagine if you could learn to listen so intently that you could zero in on a single sound and understand its quality and so comprehend the deeper meaning of life. Imagine that ability incorporated into your day to day work relationships where you are able to listen so intently that you hear what the other person is trying to say, but not able to convey. Learning to listen on this deep level is said to be listening with the heart. When you practice being able to listen one-pointedly hearing what others cannot hear, you perceive higher vibrational intentions that are thought yet not necessarily spoken. You are then able to respond from that same inwardly attuned space and true communication can take place, You have moved yourself forward leaps and bounds not only in your spiritual practice but on the job as well. Such an ability enhances your performance and helps to keep you keen to what's truly going on around you.
When you have time, cover your ears, including pressing on the ear flaps and imagine that you are journeying down into your inner ear. Listen for sounds that you know are not being generated by outside noise. Let your breath settle down so you are really quiet. Make a note of the sounds which may sound like water running through pipes, a kind of echo, and other far away sounds. The next day, try to really zero in on someone's voice so much that you are able to no longer hear any background noise. Now try to 'hear' what they are intending to tell you but that they may not be saying. You can practice this in your personal relationships so that you learn to 'hear' what someone is saying to you from their heart but having a hard time expressing. In time, your intuition, arising from a true ability to hear inwardly will pay off in ways you cannot yet imagine.
Yoga Works!
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by Acharya Sri Khadi Madama, RYT, of
Entering into the first light of this new year, we can reflect on an ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana, in which Lord Ram, the last Raghu king of the Ikshavatu dynasty is banished to a deep wood for 14 years, along with his consort Sita and with his brother. Instead of complaining, the ever fore bearing warrior prince Ram looked at his fate and drew upon his wisdom. What would have been devastating to the average man became an adventure. What started with extreme obstacles and dreaded events became exciting challenges and eventual victories.
Begin this new year with the same attitude. Consider it a great new adventure. Don't complain, stay focused on the ultimate success of all that you endeavor. Armed with the golden arrows of determined intention, transform every possibility into assured success.
Trying to close that real estate deal, complete a project, get a raise or win that promotion? Try the following concentration and breathing technique to help accomplish your goal.
The Golden Arrow Concentration Technique for Success:
Pick up the file folder, documents or application of your objective, while taking a deep breath. Exhale the breath of success into the documents. Place them on the desk before you focusing all of your intention for success, while envisioning a golden arrow in your mind. Breathe in again, then concentrating with all of your force, exhale and let the arrow find it's mark, as it lands accurately and successfully. Silly idea? Not when you see the results that pin pointing your concentration brings.
Yoga Works!
Khadi's website is