Sitting in a comfortable position with your spine relaxed but straight. Curl up your tongue as you extend it just outside of your lips, to form a kind of straw. Inhale slowly through your "straw", then retract your tongue, as you close your mouth to exhale through your nostrils. You will notice that your mouth feels very cool. Now repeat, as you continue to repeat, the inside of your mouth will become more and more cool and cool saliva will begin to form. Swallow this cool saliva so it can begin to cool you down and un parch your system. Repeat approximately 8 times.
THE COOLING BREATH: As above, sit comfortably, parting your lips slightly, and placing your upper and lower teeth together and your tongue behind your teeth right where they come together. Inhale through your mouth, which will make a kind of slurping sound. Then exhale through your nostrils with your mouth closed. You will find that the cooling effect can be felt in the mouth, throat and down into the chest. Repeat 8 times.
Both of these breaths utilize mouth breathing which is not normally practiced in Yoga. However, due to the special nature of these two "pranayams" (controlling the life-force breathing) one is actually energized in a healthy way. These two breaths are also 2 of the 8 special breathings performed by advanced Yogi's. They are simple and effective and most importantly, safe! However, if you suffer from Asthma, Allergies or any other respiratory problems, please check with your physician before attempting to learn these two breaths.
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