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by Karen Roth, MS, NC, of
Valentine’s Day is almost here and sex may be on your mind… but for all the wrong reasons. Your sex drive is in park, and the last thing on your mind is physical intimacy with your partner. This lack of sexual desire can be misinterpreted as lack of interest in your relationship.
So, think about it... As a woman, have you been feeling less receptive to sex? Have you noticed feeling less sensual, or that your sex drive has diminished? If so, you’re not alone. This is a major complaint of many women experiencing Hormone Imbalance, which directly affects your libido.
It’s common knowledge that Testosterone plays a significant role in both men and women when it comes to a healthy libido. But one of the more common deficiencies in women is Estrogen, which plays as much a role in a woman’s sex life as Testosterone.
In my practice, I have seen women with optimal levels of both hormones who still suffer with a low sex drive. Hormones are much more complicated than just pinpointing one symptom to one hormone.
If you suspect low libido is affecting your quality of life, you do have a way to find out if your hormones are out of balance. In my practice, I offer a very simple and extremely accurate saliva test which, when analyzed by the lab, produces a clear picture of what’s going on inside your body. If a problem is identified, I then work with my clients on an individual basis to balance their system, not with drugs, but naturally. Sometimes adjustments are as simple as slight changes in diet. Other times, it’s a little more involved. Either way, the end result can be life changing.
Many separations and divorces happen when women reach mid-40’s to mid-50’s. I often wonder how many of these troubled relationships could have been prevented if women had their hormones checked. If what I described sounds familiar, please know that I’m here to help!
Karen's website is

by Acharya Sri Khadi Madama, RYT, of
In Yoga, seekers of enlightenment practice the art of listening very deeply to the inner sounds that vibrate along the Nadis, or subtle nerve channels. It is said that these sounds are generated from the energy chambers deep in the subtle anatomy. Imagine if you could learn to listen so intently that you could zero in on a single sound and understand its quality and so comprehend the deeper meaning of life. Imagine that ability incorporated into your day to day work relationships where you are able to listen so intently that you hear what the other person is trying to say, but not able to convey. Learning to listen on this deep level is said to be listening with the heart. When you practice being able to listen one-pointedly hearing what others cannot hear, you perceive higher vibrational intentions that are thought yet not necessarily spoken. You are then able to respond from that same inwardly attuned space and true communication can take place, You have moved yourself forward leaps and bounds not only in your spiritual practice but on the job as well. Such an ability enhances your performance and helps to keep you keen to what's truly going on around you.
When you have time, cover your ears, including pressing on the ear flaps and imagine that you are journeying down into your inner ear. Listen for sounds that you know are not being generated by outside noise. Let your breath settle down so you are really quiet. Make a note of the sounds which may sound like water running through pipes, a kind of echo, and other far away sounds. The next day, try to really zero in on someone's voice so much that you are able to no longer hear any background noise. Now try to 'hear' what they are intending to tell you but that they may not be saying. You can practice this in your personal relationships so that you learn to 'hear' what someone is saying to you from their heart but having a hard time expressing. In time, your intuition, arising from a true ability to hear inwardly will pay off in ways you cannot yet imagine.
Yoga Works!
Khadi's website is

by Acharya Sri Khadi Madama, RYT, of
Entering into the first light of this new year, we can reflect on an ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana, in which Lord Ram, the last Raghu king of the Ikshavatu dynasty is banished to a deep wood for 14 years, along with his consort Sita and with his brother. Instead of complaining, the ever fore bearing warrior prince Ram looked at his fate and drew upon his wisdom. What would have been devastating to the average man became an adventure. What started with extreme obstacles and dreaded events became exciting challenges and eventual victories.
Begin this new year with the same attitude. Consider it a great new adventure. Don't complain, stay focused on the ultimate success of all that you endeavor. Armed with the golden arrows of determined intention, transform every possibility into assured success.
Trying to close that real estate deal, complete a project, get a raise or win that promotion? Try the following concentration and breathing technique to help accomplish your goal.
The Golden Arrow Concentration Technique for Success:
Pick up the file folder, documents or application of your objective, while taking a deep breath. Exhale the breath of success into the documents. Place them on the desk before you focusing all of your intention for success, while envisioning a golden arrow in your mind. Breathe in again, then concentrating with all of your force, exhale and let the arrow find it's mark, as it lands accurately and successfully. Silly idea? Not when you see the results that pin pointing your concentration brings.
Yoga Works!
Khadi's website is

by Acharya Sri Khadi Madama, RYT, of
In India there is a common image. It is of three monkeys. One with his hands over his eyes. One with his hands over his ears. And, one with his hands over his mouth. Mahatma Gandhi had a carving of this whimsical, yet instructive icon in his office, which I saw during my visit to Birla House in 1989. Because his office was very sparsely decorated, the three little monkeys really stood out! They, of course, are what we all know as the ancient adage " See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil". So often in India, simple images convey such deep spiritual messages. The mind, here, is portrayed as a monkey, which often goes about doing whatever it does without thinking of any consequences. In Yoga, this is referred to as the undisciplined mind which behaves like a monkey. In Yoga the principle of understanding the dynamic of the breath teaches us the intrinsic connection between breath and speech and therefore, breath, speech and hearing. Today with computers and TV, we see so much that is detrimental to our health, that we can add sight to the same dynamic. Yoga teaches us to think before we speak, to protect ourselves from unwarranted sights and sounds that are harmful to our well being. It stands, then, that we should guard against being the cause of such actions.
The office is a wonderful place to hone these skills, as we come into contact with other who are not so careful in their behaviors. It is easy to get pulled in by others conversations about co-workers, their complaints during our precious break and lunch times, and to involving us indirectly in their problems.
It is important to have a few friendly statements at the ready to fend off these events, so that you can stay in harmony with the Three Monkeys, thereby not causing yourself more stress. Keep those little monkeys in mind the next time you are tempted to say or do something that could start a problem in your own little peaceful productive corner of the world. Be the person who can never be accused of back-biting. Avoid allowing anything being told to you that later could pull you into a stressful situation. Truly, there are things to which you should NOT be privy. In this way, you can be a playful little monkey, scurrying happily through your work days.
Three Little Monkeys Stress Relief
1. Eyes: Rub your palms together until warm, then press over your eyes while taking a deep breath. Perform once per hour to relieve eye stress.
2. Ears: Cover your ears with your palms and try to listen inwardly. If you can step outside away from noise for just 2 minutes, your inner ear muscle will reset to protect your hearing.
3. Mouth: Relax that jaw. Gently press your thumbs into the middle of the joint where your jaw comes together and massage. Great for reducing problems with teeth grinding from stress.
4. Hands/Wrists: Monkey Paws: To relieve hand and wrist stress from typing or long commute drives, use your hands like a crane, trying to pick up a few objects by bringing all of your fingers together to grab. Or open and close your 'Monkey Paw' a few times. You'll feel it stretching out the tension.
Yoga Works!
Khadi's website is

by Karen Roth, MS, NC, of
Hormone imbalance can occur at any stage of a woman’s life, from her early teens to her senior years. And since many women tend to have a high tolerance for mental and physical pain, some resign themselves to suffer through with symptoms like Cramps, Mood Swings, Acne and Fatigue as a monthly ordeal without thinking of the potentially greater health risks involved.
What many women don’t realize is that by leaving hormonal imbalance unchecked, they are potentially setting themselves up for health complications including Low Libido, Depression, Memory Problems, Anxiety, and Nervous Tension. Let’s take a closer look at potential complications caused by hormonal imbalance:
With inadequate levels of Estrogen, you may experience hot flashes, fatigue and insomnia. But low estrogen can lead to Osteoporosis and Heart Disease, which currently affects six million American women. Throw in low testosterone and you double your risk of Osteoporosis and Heart Disease. And if your progesterone levels are also low, add on high blood pressure, and risk of developing Endometrial Cancer.
Now if you have high testosterone levels you may experience increased Facial Hair, and Acne. You may be told that you have been displaying more Aggression or Hostility. High testosterone carries with it risks of Breast and Endometrial Cancer, and Blood Sugar Disorders.
There are many combinations of low and high levels of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, and just as many health risks associated with these offset ratios.
But, how are you to know if your hormones are in balance. There is a very simple and accurate saliva test I offer to my clients, which, when analyzed by the lab, produces a clear picture of what’s going on. If a problem is identified, I then work with my clients on an individual basis to balance their system, not with drugs, but naturally. Sometimes adjustments are as simple as slight changes in diet. Other times, it’s a little more involved. Either way, the end result can be life changing.
Karen's website is

by Karen Roth, MS, NC, of
When planning a Thanksgiving dinner, many cooks focus on the turkey and stuffing, perhaps the vegetable and potatoes. But when it comes to the cranberry sauce they default to the simplicity of opening a can. What the cook may not realize is that preparing a unique and delicious cranberry relish can make the cook the talk of the dinner table.
This year, why not treat your dinner guests to a fresher, more scrumptious and healthy version of that same of cranberry sauce? After all, this is the peak of cranberry season!
"No Bake Cranberry Relish" is easy and quick to prepare, and gives you a fun new way to serve cranberries. It's crunchy and fresh, tangy taste will no doubt have everyone talking!
Cranberry Relish Ingredients:
12 oz fresh or frozen Cranberries
1 medium ORGANIC apple, chopped
1 ORGANIC medium pear, chopped
Half cup RAW honey
1 TBS horseradish
Chop cranberries very fine. A food processor may be used
Chop the apple and pear into 1/2 inch cubes
Combine all ingredients and mix well
Recipe taken from The World's Healthiest Foods
Since pear and apples are heavily sprayed with pesticides, make sure and buy organic!
When choosing horseradish, choose pure horseradish made with only salt and/or vinegar as opposed to the commercial brands that contain harmful high fructose corn syrup. I like Gold’s brand found at Whole Foods.
Since this is a raw recipe, there is no damage to nutrients from heat or processing.
Everyone knows that cranberries help prevent urinary tract infection, but they can also prevent kidney stone formation and they also promote gastrointestinal and heart health. Cranberries are also low in calories, 1/2 cup is on 23 calories, and they contain 5 times the antioxidants of broccoli. The phytonutrients found specifically in the cranberry can protect against macular degeneration and breast cancer. According to a study published in Cancer Letter, cranberry phytonutrients can cause cancer cells to kill themselves off and shut down their ability to multiply. And, if that isn’t enough to make you thrilled to be enjoying cranberries this Thanksgiving, you’ll be happy to know that drinking the juice, or eating the whole berry, benefits the heart because research has shown that the cranberry lowers LDL cholesterol while increasing the more beneficial HDL cholesterol.
Packed full of antioxidants that prevent damage to cells, pears promote heart health.
Additionally, pears protect the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and lowers cholesterol. Pears are also a good source of fiber and they promote digestive health, which may come in handy after a big Thanksgiving meal! Oh, and pears are low in calories; one pear is 98 calories.
Apples are also hearth healthy and contain two types of fiber; the insoluble fiber binds to LDL cholesterol and moves it out of the body while the soluble fiber lowers the production of LDL by the liver. Apples also contain potent antioxidants such as Quercetin and Vitamin C. These prevent free-radical damage that promotes heart disease.
Oh, and the two fibers in apples relieve constipation, which can also follow a really big Thanksgiving meal!
Raw Honey:
Loaded with amylases, enzymes that help us digest carbohydrates. Raw honey doesn’t upset blood sugar levels like table sugar does.
When horseradish is cut it releases a strong chemical called allylisothiocyanate, which protects against food borne illness. It protects against Listeria, E. Coli, and Staphylococcus aureus. Horseradish is also a cholagogue, an agent that increases bile thereby promoting a healthy gallbladder and improving digestion. Increasing bile production also helps us digest fats and oils.
So, as you can see, by serving No Bake Cranberry Relish you are giving your Thanksgiving guests a holiday gift... the gift of health!
Karen's website is

by Karen Roth, MS, NC, of
For anyone who has experienced depression, it’s not a fun place to be. The feelings of sadness and despair can hang over you even though you can’t pinpoint any specific reason for feeling so down. Although many of life’s circumstances can contribute to depression, it can sometimes be the result of hormone imbalance. Let’s take a look.
Inadequate levels of Estrogen can leave you feeling less outgoing and less positive. For some women the symptoms of estrogen imbalance are more severe and they become withdrawn, apathetic and even experiencing periods of hopelessness. This can be on-going or it can be an occasional occurrence which can be a sign of unusual fluctuation in hormone levels. Our hormones have a biological baseline and do fluctuate throughout the month, but at no time should that result in you feeling depressed.
Low Testosterone levels can lead to moodiness, a loss of confidence and low motivation, and in some women the feeling of being frightened or afraid. Even though testosterone is thought of as the male hormone, it is just as important for women to have appropriate levels to maintain a sense of wellbeing.
Progesterone is yet another important hormone that, when out of balance, can contribute to severe mood swings. You know the kind that comes out from nowhere!
If depression or mood swings are affecting your quality of life, you do have options. But, how are you to know if your hormones are out of balance and contributing to this condition? There is a very simple and accurate saliva test I offer to my clients, which, when analyzed by the lab, produces a clear picture of what’s going on. If a problem is identified, I then work with my clients on an individual basis to balance their system, not with drugs, but naturally. Sometimes adjustments are as simple as slight changes in diet. Other times, it’s a little more involved. Either way, the end result can be life changing.
Karen's website is